Auditions for The Real Inspector Hound

Auditions for The Real Inspector Hound
by Tom Stoppard

directed by Rob Gretta

Monday, November 8, 7–9 p.m.
Tuesday, November 9, 7–9 p.m.

We seek adult actors (18+) of all ages, ethnicities, and genders

CALLBACKS: Wednesday, November 10, 7–9 p.m.


Audition requirements
Proof of full COVID-19 vaccination and a photo ID
Ability to use a British accent
Auditions will involve cold readings, no monologues. To request an appointment, please email headshot and resume


There is no pay for this project

November 14, 2021–January 13, 2022

January 14 – February 6, 2022
Fridays and Saturdays at 7:30 p.m., Sundays at 2 p.m.
Please do not submit if you are unavailable for any performance dates or tech week beginning Jan. 3.

MOON – Gender non-specific. 30s
Second string theatre critic of a major newspaper in London. Youngish, nerdy but with an academic quality, self-absorbed, generally nervous, well educated, obsessed with status, poor self-esteem, prone to outbursts, and generally unhappy. Ambitious but with career impotence. Self- absorbed, self-conscious and self-righteous at times.

BIRDBOOT – Male identifying. 30s or 40s.
First string theatre reviewer with the “other” major London paper. Married to a woman he does not love nor has anything in common with. He desires the glamorous life of the theatre and uses his power to gain sexual favors from young up-and-coming actresses. Possibly too formal, prissy, likes to indulge his desires and impulses. He’s secure in his career and rather likes who he is. Can be self-righteous and overly defensive. He is hypocritical (morally), pompous, superior and larger than life.

MRS. DRUDGE – Gender non-specific. 30s–50s. Cockney accent. Must have excellent comedic timing.
The dutiful maid who sees and hears everything that goes on. Middle aged, not well educated but not without some learned formality working for nobility—still, a bit bohemian and spacey. Lives in the nearby village and rides a bike to work.

SIMON GASCOYNE – Male identifying. 20s or 30s. Handsome.
Young, dashing, self-absorbed, flirty and interested in Cynthia Muldoon. He has had a recent fling with Felicity and casts her aside to pursue his professed true love, Cynthia. He could be a gold digger or a mad man, it is very unclear.

FELICITY CUNNINGHAM – Female identifying. 20s or 30s.
Aristocratic but probably a “working girl” back in London. She is the current paramour (but short lived) to Simon Gascoyne. She is very attractive, a best friend of Cynthia (Lady Muldoon), old school chum, tennis player, wealthy, snobby, society girl. As a woman spurned, she has a temper.

CYNTHIA MULDOON – Female identifying. 20s or 30s. Beautiful and striking.
The Lady of the Manor and wife of the missing Albert Muldoon (gone 10 years). She is wealthy, upper class, sweet, entertaining and enjoys her station in life, she has had an affair with Simon. She has arranged this weekend’s gathering. She is good friends with Felicity; they are tennis and bridge players. She inherited the manor from her husband and endeavors to keep it going and live the aristocratic lifestyle but in a modern age. She is fashionable with good taste and dresses “the part” of the Lady of the Manor.

MAJOR MAGNUS MULDOON – Male identifying. 30s or 40s. Canadian and British accents.
Initially he is presented as the half-brother of the missing Albert Muldoon who just recently “showed up” at Muldoon Manor. He is disguised to look older and is wheelchair bound. He is a Major in the military. He is revealed (facial hair removed, etc.) at the end of the play to be The Real Inspector Hound, the long-lost Albert Muldoon and Puckeridge (the third string critic at another London newspaper). As Magnus, he is smug, aggressive and somewhat hateful. As Albert, he’s happy to be reunited with Cynthia. As the Inspector he is sharp and aggressive. As Puckeridge he is triumphant.

INSPECTOR HOUND – Gender non-specific. 30s or 40s. Bouncy Sherlock Holmes type.
Perhaps the “madman” – an imposter dressed like Sherlock Holmes. Or quite basically, just an actor playing Hound, perhaps young but made to look older as part of the disguise. We see later taking on the role of a theatre critic dressed as “Inspector Hound”. Overall motivation is unclear – could conceivably be “in on it” with Puckeridge.


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